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L3: Multi-agent Custormer Support AutomationMulti-agent를 활용한 고객 지원 자동화 시스템 Role PlayingFocusToolsCooperationGuardrailsMemory 필수 패키지 설치!pip install crewai==0.28.8 crewai_tools==0.1.6 langchain_community==0.0.29 In [44]:# 간단한 warning 출력 무시import warningswarnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore')In [45]:# crewai 라이브러리 importfrom crewai import Agent, Task, CrewIn [46]:# Add your utilities or..
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Key elements of AI agentRole Playingrole에 따라 agent의 응답이 달라짐Tesla의 주가를 분석해 달라고 요청해보자.1. give me an analysis on tesla stock.더보기As of May 2024, Tesla's stock (TSLA) is facing a complex landscape with both significant challenges and potential opportunities.Current Performance and Outlook:Tesla's stock is currently trading around $177, having experienced a decline of approximately 31% year-to-date​ (..
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